Tuition & Financial Aid
Many parents desire to have their children educated and nurtured by independent education. However, the additional cost of tuition to the basic family budget can be challenging for some. Ratner Montessori values diversity and through our Indexed Tuition Program provides opportunity for those families whose financial circumstances do not allow for the full payment of annual tuition.
Ratner Montessori offers indexed tuition for Kindergarten through 8th grade applicants demonstrating financial need. If you are interested in applying, please call the Admission Office at 216 464 0033 x1119 and visit the Ratner FACTS Tuition Site to apply. Our program is administrated so that tuition is indexed to a level based on a family’s ability to pay. This allows Ratner Montessori to make independent education affordable to many more families. Ratner Montessori uses an independent financial consultant, FACTS, in order to provide the applicant with confidentiality and third party objectivity. Indexed tuition applications may be obtained through FACTS during the regular registration period. (Click on Ratner FACTS Tuition Site to get started.) The FACTS application must be completed in its entirety along with the processing fee* as required by FACTS. Ratner Montessori does not receive your personal financial information. The family applying to have their tuition indexed must have registered their child before having their tuition indexed accordingly.
*FACTS applies a $30 processing fee per application.
Program Guidelines
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ask for indexed tuition information from Ratner Montessori.
- The application must be completed in its entirety through FACTS (Ratner Montessori's third party administrator) along with the processing fee as required by FACTS.
- Indexed tuition will be awarded by Ratner Montessori based on recommendations from its independent consultant, FACTS, and student history. Ratner Montessori does not receive your completed application. Ratner Montessori only receives the recommendations made by the independent consultant.
- The parent/guardian will be notified by Ratner Montessori regarding the level of indexed tuition payable by the family.
- Each year a parent/guardian would need to re-apply for the next school year to assess how their tuition will be indexed for that year. One application per family.
- Applications will not be considered for those who have a delinquent balance with Ratner Montessori.
- Ratner Montessori reserves the privilege to unilaterally discontinue the family’s indexed tuition in the event of parent/student incompatibility.
Families who enroll two (2) or more children in the same school year will receive a discount as follows: 2nd child enrolled will receive a 5% tuition discount; 3rd child enrolled will receive a 7.5% discount; each child beyond that will have their discount increased by an additional 2.5%.